
Hello! My name is Sai Pone Tha Aung. I am a full-stack software engineer from Myanmar with over 7 years of experience in front-end, back-end, mobile, and database or DevOps on my own accord because I’ve been doing both development and operation duty concurrently most of the time.

Technologies of my focus for development are Golang, Dart(Flutter), PHP(Laravel), node.js(typescript, react, vue, nest.js, and express), docker, Swagger, and MySQL for the database.

For CI/CD section I use Github action, Circle CI, and Jenkins based on the circumstance and scenario. Github action is a lot simpler and easy to implement. Circle CI is really robust so I would use circle ci instead of GitHub action for large or complex projects that require multiple build stages. I rather not use Jenkins unless you force me to because those configurations are nightmares for me. I currently learning CodeMagic to integrate CI/CD pipeline for flutter development. I also learning Kubernetes for microservice at a moment.

For code testing, I use PHPUnit for PHP, jest for node.js, and still learning for GOLang and Flutter. I try to stick with the SOLID principle most of the time so I can get 100% code coverage when I run a test and TDD development. And I use swagger to document most of my projects.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years, I would love to be a Tech Lead, Project Manager, or CTO in Switzerland, Canada, Japan, Australia or France. I always want to settle in one of those country. Or I might start my own company in my home country.

You can contact me with the options below,
Email: saiponethaaung@gmail.com
Skype: saiponethaaung@outlook.com