
Harry’s Bar is a popular restaurant chain from Singapore and I develop an application for the Myanmar branch.
The main purpose of the application is to enable a royalty membership program with points and badges that can be unlocked and those can be used to get discounts from Harry’s.

I’ve developed two applications. One for the customers and one for the floor staff. The floor staff application is confidential so it’s not included in the video demo.

The floor staff application includes a scanner that can scan QR codes which scan QR codes from customer applications(which can be seen in the video) to enable discounts and add points.
Staff applications also include an order management system that can accept or deny orders placed from customer applications.

I’ve worked on API, database structure, system architecture, backend, frontend, admin panel, and mobile application for this project.

Due to covid and coup d’etat in Myanmar, the actual release date of the application is delayed.

Platform: Android and IOS
Language: Flutter

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